JNPA moves towards a greener future with a zero-emission trucking initiative

  • April 29, 2024
  • News

JNPA, a leading container handling port in India, has reached a key milestone in its sustainability journey with the launch of its Zero Emission Trucking (ZET) initiative. Mr. Unmesh Sharad Wagh IRS, Chairman of JNPA, participated in a Round Table Convening on Zero Emission Trucking to promote collaboration among stakeholders in designing and implementing ZET port pilots. This initiative highlights JNPA’s commitment to reducing carbon emissions and improving air quality in and around its operations.

Recognizing the importance of decarbonizing truck movements, especially within the port premises, JNPA has initiated a plan to transition its truck fleet from diesel to electric power. Currently, the majority of trucks operating within JNPA run on diesel, contributing to emissions and pollution. By transitioning to Zero Emission Trucks (ZETs), JNPA aims to achieve its vision of a fully electrified port, in line with national sustainability goals such as the Harit Sagar guidelines and MIV 2030.

JNPA is actively integrating green energy for terminal operations and replacing diesel-operated Internal Terminal Vehicles (ITVs) with Electric ITVs (E-ITVs) to further reduce carbon emissions. The conversion of 15+ trucks handling Inter Terminal Rail Operations to E-ITVs is expected within the next six months, followed by the conversion of 400+ diesel-operated trucks involved in vessel and yard operations within 2-3 years. Additionally, 6500+ trucks moving between Terminals to Container Freight Stations and vice versa, including those to Centralized Parking Plazas, will transition to E-ITVs within 3-5 years.

Mr. Unmesh Sharad Wagh IRS, Chairman of JNPA, stated that sustainability requires proactive measures and collaborative efforts. Zero Emission Trucks represent not just a technological advancement but a strategic imperative in our pursuit of a greener future. By embracing ZETs and providing the necessary infrastructure for charging stations inside the Port area, they align with national sustainability agendas and reduce our environmental footprint.

JNPA’s Zero Emission Trucking initiative is a significant step towards achieving sustainable, environmentally friendly port operations while contributing to India’s broader sustainability goals. In its commitment to sustainability, JNPA has also prioritised the use of Green Energy for Terminal operations, further reducing carbon emissions within the port. These initiatives underscore JNPA’s commitment to environmental responsibility while driving innovation and efficiency in port operations. The transition to Zero Emission Trucks signifies a pivotal step towards a cleaner, greener future for the port and surrounding communities.