
Are you a problem solver! Come, be a part of our logistics journey

Join us at 20Cube Logistics

20Cube was created to digitalize supply chain processes that enable our customers to improve their business performance. We recognized that the ability to integrate every part of the supply chain from order planning to delivery in the cloud would give our customers the visibility they need to real-time data, supply chain transparency, and the ability to control cost in ways they’ve never been able to do before.

We are transforming the way our customers do business through inventive solutions, workflow tools, ground operations in a connected environment and an elaborate Warehouse network.

Headquartered in Singapore, 20Cube has fuelled its growth with strong regional standing in multiple countries. Today 20Cube is present in Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Malaysia, Singapore, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Dubai, Kenya and Uganda.

At 20Cube, we ensure that our people have a positive work environment that is conducive to career growth. We offer everyone equal opportunities to take up responsibilities and meet challenges, providing a sense of work satisfaction. We have a team of result oriented people and they love to guide new employees in the organization to succeed in their respective role. People in leadership positions (with decades of experience in the logistics sector) are the jewels in our organization and have a track record of growing profits multiple times within short period of time.

Today, 20Cube is undergoing expansion. We are growing at a rapid pace and playing a significant role in the logistics market. So if you have the ambition to make a mark in the logistics sector, 20Cube is the perfect platform.

We offer a wide range of career opportunities. Post your resume today to!