Great Solutions For Customs Clearance
and Brokers in Brisbane
Our customs experts will ensure a smooth experience
in customs clearance Brisbane.
We offer you the Top Customs experts across the globe to ensure smooth Customs clearance.
20Cube Logistics, a leading global freight forwarder, excels at understanding and navigating the customs and quarantine legislative and regulatory environment. Our 9 licensed Brisbane customs brokers with over 200 combined years of experience stay up to date with the latest information on government policy to provide expert customs clearance and safely deliver every consignment and minimize trade risks.
Customs Broker Brisbane

20Cube’s Brisbane customs brokers can be trusted to service your compliance with local customs regulations and handle all mandatory paperwork, taxes, legal issues, and border clearance requirements.
Declarations are made to the relevant authorities 48 hours prior to arrival so that consignments clear Customs and quarantine requirements. We aim to deliver an economical and efficient solution to customer requirements.
From small business to global conglomerates, our outstanding services have provided clients with first-class & seamless customs brokerage for over 35 years.
How can a 20Cube customs broker Brisbane help you?
20Cube is an accredited Australian trusted trader with the Australian border force and our customs brokers in Brisbane are directly engaged with customs officials. Our professionals excel at correctly classifying your cargo and apply all specific levies, permits and free trade agreements to optimise the duty paid and deliver quality and peace of mind. At 20Cube, our customs clearance Brisbane consultants are professionally certified to gather, assess and make declarations on your behalf and ensure the highest level of service.
Whether large or small, whether you do regular business with us or one time our customs brokers will help you with:
- Up-to-date customs regulations
- Free trade agreements
- Prohibited or restricted imports
- Customs Compliance
- Australian Border Force requirements
- Assist with Australian Trusted Applications
- Tariff and valuation advice
- Duty drawback
- Import duty refunds
- Tradex advice for exporters
- Advice on GST exemptions/rulings
- Standard contractual obligations
- Compliance Review
- Documentation review of import declarations prior to DIBP audits, attendance at audits
- Representation at the DAWR, ABF, and the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT)
Transporting freight throughout Australia and around the globe.
12 countries, over 58 locations, 365 days support.