Author Archives: 20Cube

Nhava Sheva Distribution Terminal introduces container shipping

Jawaharlal Nehru Port Authority (JNPA) has recently signed a lease for a period of 30 years through a PPP for the upgradation, equipping,…
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Announcement of Connectivity Corridor Joining West Asia, Europe to South Asia during G20 Summit in India

The supreme leaders of India, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, EU, France, Italy, Germany and the US made a major announcement at the G20…
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Customs officials of India and Bangladesh discuss opening of new customs stations

The two-day 14th Joint Group of Customs (JGC) meeting was held between India and Bangladesh in August 2023 between New Delhi customs officials…
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Bhutan-India Railway link to become a reality

The Bhutan-based media have reported that the Government of India has allotted Rs 120 billion for the expansion and modernization of railway infrastructure…
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