Author Archives: 20Cube

Australia continues with Free Trade Negotiations

Australia continues with Free Trade Negotiations

2016 looms as another significant year for those in the Australian part of the international supply chain. Industry is still monitoring ChAFTA with more clarity…
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Illegal Logged Products

Illegal Logged Products | Due Diligence and Importer Responsibilities

Further to our previous announcements, the Illegal Logging Prohibition Amendment Regulation 2013 is law and its requirements c​a​me into effect on 30th November 2014. From…
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Asian Steel Makers to Face Anti-Dumping Enquiry

The Australian Government has ordered an enquiry into the dumping of steel into the Australian market, as announced by Minister for Industry, Innovation and…
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Biosecurity recognition for 20Cube

Biosecurity recognition for 20Cube

20Cube has been awarded the prestigious Certificate of Appreciation from the Australian Government's Department of Agriculture. The award follows the work of our…
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