Author Archives: 20Cube

supply chain nightmares

Amazon can test drones in the UK, but they may cause ‘supply chain nightmares’

Retail giant Amazon is set to use small drone technology to deliver its parcels to UK customers, following the permission of the UK’s…
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Shipping Giant Shows Why We Are in Deep Water on Deflation

Shipping Giant Shows Why We Are in Deep Water on Deflation

It is a sign of stunted investor expectations when an 89 per cent slide in quarterly profit triggers a 3 percent share price…
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2016/17 Measures to Manage Stink Bugs

2016/17 Measures to Manage Stink Bugs

The Department of Agriculture and Water Resources has developed the following measures to manage the seasonal risk of brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB)…
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Australia and New Zealand Sign Arrangement to Streamline Trade

Australia and New Zealand Sign Arrangement to Streamline Trade

Australian Border & Protection Trusted Trans-Tasman exporters will be rewarded with fast-tracked customs processing at Australian and New Zealand borders under a new…
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