Author Archives: 20Cube

Factors to Consider While Choosing Warehouse Location

Factors to Consider While Choosing Warehouse Location

Choosing a warehouse location might be a confusing and overwhelming experience. Your organization might have some specific requirements and it might not be…
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Direct Sales Delivery:How 3PL can help

How to Choose a 3PL Provider for Warehouse Management?

If a business owner chooses to outsource the inventory management services, the success of the project depends on the choice of the right partner.…
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Warehousing practices: Helping you manage efficiently

Everything You Must Know About 3PL

Third-party logistics, or 3PL as it is known in short, is a vast field. There is a lot to know and understand. Getting…
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Illegal logging laws come into effect as from 1st January 2018

If you do not understand your obligations you could be subject to penalties from the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources. From 1st…
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