Author Archives: 20Cube

The Significance of Two Bills (of lading) in Freight Forwarding

The Significance of Two Bills (of lading) in Freight Forwarding

Documents are crucial for the movement of consignment from one international destination to another, whether it’s an import or an export. The documents…
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Empowering Underprivileged Children with Quality Education

Education is a significant milestone in every child’s life. It’s a powerful tool for empowering the underprivileged to turn around their lives. Providing…
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How to Reduce Last-Mile Delivery Costs

How to Reduce Last-Mile Delivery Costs

Last-Mile Delivery is a keyword in the supply chain logistics industry with respect to moving of consignment to its final destination. Why is…
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IoT – Internet of Things: Moving Supply Chain Logistics Ahead

IoT – Internet of Things: Moving Supply Chain Logistics Ahead

The technology revolution in supply chain logistics is experiencing a transformational wave of new innovations and challenges. With rapid digital technologies, now the…
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