Author Archives: 20Cube

Boost Cyber Security in a Logistics Business

Boost Cyber Security in a Logistics Business

If the digital world is evolving, so are cyber-attacks and creating threats for businesses, and the logistics industry in India is no exception…
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New Technologies Paving Way for New Avenues in Logistics Industry

New Technologies Paving Way for New Avenues in Logistics Industry

Sometime back, the logistics companies in India were known to have a laid back attitude, it was such that even adopting new technology…
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News Letter by 20Cube Logistics (Australia Team)

Rush for spot contracts cause shipping chaos The economic fallout of the Covid19 pandemic continues to wreak havoc in the global economy and…
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Micro Apps to Digitize Your Logistics Operations

Micro Apps to Digitize Your Logistics Operations

Today, the logistics industry is one of the fastest-growing in India, generating employment for 22 million people and posting 7.8 percent year-on-year growth.…
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